


See how good I am at this blog thing?
I can't even publish a short paragraph everyday! Que ridiculoso (or whatever!
So, here is 5 more "learnings" to make up for the past 3 days.

(My lame excuse: I was writing my last paper)

Today is technically my last day in Israel. I leave for Jordan tomorrow morning for a week, then I am flying from Jordan to Tel Aviv, from Tel Aviv home. So, I will be home in a week! So crazy.

Number 6
Time goes by so so so quick. I have always realized this, but I especially see this when thinking about the past year. Its literally insane how fast the time goes on.

Number 5
America is so young! Everyday I walk by rocks and structures that outdate America by hundreds of years. It blows my mind that when you look at how much can happen in 200 years in America, and compare it to how much we know has happened in other parts of the world in thousands of years, how little we actually know.

For example, if you study Egypt, you cover hundreds years of history before the Bible was really even begins its story. And yet, this can all be studied in a week or so.
Compared to America, where you could spend your entire life studying just world war II.

In other words, while American history is very, very, very, very, very,

very, very, very young, there is just as much history to study in that short period of time, as there is to study in 2,000 years of Egyptian history. This shows how little academia knows about the past. It also shows how fast man is progressing, and how significantly different we are today from ancient man.

Number 4
The Bible is the most complicated book I have ever read. When people say it is the most influential book in history, it is so true. It blows my mind how much of the world is influenced and driven by this book. On top of that, it is amazing to see how many ways people live out that influence. I will always be confused and perplexed by this.

Number 3
Everyday life is the key and point to life. In other words, the future is not life and the past is not life. Rather, the absolute basis of life is the present....and the only thing taking place in the present is your literal actions. The present is the only "tense" that can be physically acted on. The past and the future are all in the head. Therefor, cosmology and world-views are only valuable if they effect the present- which is your current state of actions.

I think this is why God calls for a literal, everyday 24-7 obsession over Him. This also is part of the logical reasonings behind the Torah. The only thing that prevents us from living right now the way He might desire is either because we are too worried about the future (and therefor living life in context to that worry), or we are afraid of our past (and therefor living life now in light of that). This result of this is the motive for life in the present changes and that may lead to ones everyday life not being lived to its fullest potential.

(I am not saying to not plan ahead or to not learn from the past; rather I am saying to realize that in the end, it is up to the present to create the future, and therefor the past. It makes no sense to concern oneself with thoughts of the future [cosmology for example] or past [history for example] if it does not influence the present... doing so is called "not living in reality")

The implications this has on the Bible is fascinating.

Number 2
Motive is the key to everything. Without motive, action (therefor, reality) is not worth living. Motive and action are the essential foundations of life.
This is fascinating because the Bible only gives us the actions, but never tells the motives behind the actions.
It is the interpretation of these actions without knowing the motive that is a key factor in the difference between how Christianity and Judaism understand the Bible.

Judaism seeks to find the motive behind the actions described in the text; therefor, the Oral Law. The motive is sought out, but the action of the text is still required. Example: Text says to keep Sabbath. The motive/ true intentions are sought for, but the action of "keeping sabbath" is still required, regardless of the understood motive to do so. This can result in extreme blind faith, or extreme legalism.

Christianity seeks to put the right motives into anyones actions. The result of this is that you can act how you want if your motives are good. The Bible is nothing but examples of this (the actions given in the Bible are only examples, and not necessarily the only result of any of the right motives... this is similar to Judaism but drastically difference) Example: The text says to keep Sabbath. But the presumed principal behind Sabbath is looked at. Therefor, you can keep Sabbath any day you want, as long as your motive lines up with the presumed motive to do so. This results in people having amazing motives for their actions, but can also lead to ones own justification for sin.

I firmly believe that an understanding of the two combined makes the most sense with what the text says. This is the role historical and social understandings behind the Bible can have.

History helps fill this gap, for the general sense of motive behind the text can become clearer with the understanding of the historical society of that time.

Number 1
The top thing I have learned deals with the results of my time here.
I hope to write about this within the first few weeks after I am back. I will need time to think about this.

In the mean time, this is the last blog I write from Israel! I can't believe I am leaving.

It has truly been beyond amazing.

I'm going to go camp in the desert for a week.





So, remember how I said I was going to try and write the "top 10" things I learned in order to significance??

Well, its too complicated. I've learned too much and I don't know what is necessarily more important than the others. That being said, I might expand this to more than just the top ten. we shall see. So thats that.

Number 8

Humans have changed drastically over the past few thousands years. For example, today we care more about entertainment and pleasure than any other generation on earth.
But the basic needs and defining actions that make us human have not changed at all. This creates a problem then for modern day man because our desires are not any where close to what are needs are. Ancient man cared about finding food was a crucial part of everyday life. They worked in the dirt because of a desire to live. Eating was what was required to live, and the action of finding the food became integrated into everyday life and understanding of the cosmos. Today, we just want the food but don't want the actions to get it. Our motive to eat is not a desire for survival, but a desire for pleasure. We have the basic needs or survival, what becomes "culture" then today is not harvest festivals and the like, but rather entertainment. This I believe creates a huge gap between what life is and what life was like historically. This is also why Americans can't understand the 3rd world at all, regardless of how poor you are. And as far as the American Church goes, this creates friction with our understanding of the Bible because the Bible was written in and by a people group that had a drastically different understanding on how to live everyday life.

Mankind within the past hundreds years or so has accomplished what mankind for thousands of years tried to do: a way to have a cake and eat it too.

It's called going to Cub Foods and buying another one.

Number 7

Academia knows practically nothing. A lot of society today is based on what academia teaches, and ones ability to be involved in it. Knowledge is everything today. Just ask Google.
However, when it comes to history, we have to believe we think we know what we want to know.
Basically I am saying, all views and opinions, especially in context of Biblical history and theoogy, has some level of bias intertwined into someones explanatioon. The absolute best thing we can do, is take all of the data we have and then make logical sense of it. There will still be some bias (based on ones own personal reference and starting points), but the fact is, truth is truth and can be discovered. I however, do believe that my understandings should come between me and another human being.
Religion has caused so many problems in the world. Lets move beyond religion and start with relations.

More to come.



4 Days Left

I have 4 days left in Israel.

This Saturday, I leave for Jordan for a week. I will be living with traditional, rural Bedouin in the desert wadis with the hopes of gathering a glimpse into what life was like back in the days of Abraham. The reason this can be done is because Bedouin life has barely changed in thousands of years.
So, you want the best modern day example of Old testament life, the only place left to find it is in the middle of no-where in Jordan. I am very excited. We have to go to the bathroom in the sand for a week. And kill our own sheep in order for the group to eat (Read Genesis 18 on hospitality expectations and that is basically what we get to experience).

Once I leave Israel, I will not be returning. I fly from Amman, Jordan to Tel Aviv to transfer to my flight home to the states in two weeks. Pretty crazy! 9 months has gone by so very fast.
Needless to say, this will probably be one of the last blogs I write while here. I am so far behind on my blogging...I just had a very hard time keeping up with it this semester ( the internet here has been exceptionally bad this semester). When I get home, I hope to update as best I can, but we will see!

I figured for the next 5 days, I will give a countdown of the top 10 things I have learned while being here (2 everyday for the next 5 days). These will range from a variety of topics, and I will try to order them from least significant to most significant.

Number 10

I love Minnesota.
You know the saying "you never know what you got till its gone?" Well, it is very true (which I've always known..but never imagined agreeing to it in terms of my home state). Don't get me wrong, I love Israel and have loved being here. But leaving MN has made me realize how amazing it is. Not being home for 9 months...going a year thus far without seeing snow or having the temperature below 0 (longest ever in my life), I am completely shocked at how much I missed it! On top of that, I've realized that rural-small-MN-nice-towns, do have a lot of the characteristics found in the common village of the Bible. This surprised me. Needless to say, while studying the cultural backgrounds of the Bible, there are many similarities I saw between ancient Israel and MN. The only explanation I can come up with is, the Christian Lutherans and such who immigrated to MN had some form of ancient connection (probably through Church historical traditions) with Jews who still had basic structural ideas from Israelite times. That or the similarities are just a part of being human. I know this seems crazy, but regardless where it started, there is a great sense of what true life is all about sprawled throughout Minnesota: family, God and land. The thing that is sad, is how fast this culture is disappearing. Feel free to blame my generation.

Number 9

The Palestinian/Israeli conflict is super simple and practically impossible to solve. Also, I don't believe that Christians should support Jews and forsake the Arabs as a result, or vice versa. I truly believe that as an American who has not grown up or lived in the heart of these conflicts, for myself to be very opinionated about the matter does not support the love of humanity but rather the destruction. I am not saying to not support the Jews or Arabs (I am in no way anti-semitic or racist at all). I am saying understand the conflict is way off of the American radar, and be careful on what you believe and say. I have watched Americans get in arguments over this issue and divide as a result of it; people who have no right to use a conflict they are not connected to in any way who end up hating each other in the end. This completely blows my mind now.

Well. There ya go. More to come in the next few days.
