Here we go.
So, the other day I walked into the old city to get some Shwarma (Gyro-Israeli Style.
I could not find any...major bummer.
So I got Pizza instead....was good. I went to a place I had gone to yesterday and wanted an Israeli Coke (It is better here....less sugar, more flavor...kinda like Mexican Coke) but did not have enough money with me...
so I went back the next day, and the Israelite who owns the place was glad to see me...which was good, considering he did not like me last night when i had no money. HA.
Anywho, I ate my Pizza and then and then went to walk down to the Western Wall.
I still have not managed to actually go up to the Wall to pray.
Do not ask me why...I don't know why. for whatever, reason, I get down by the plaza, and I just can't go up to the Wall...not yet. I've been taking pictures and just observing this wonderful group of people.
But, when I got down to the Wall, as i was coming closer...I heard A LOT of noise.
I was like... What?
So I get down by the lookout area...and there are 300+ people down on the plaza. A part of it was fenced off and guarded by the police. Outside of the fenced area where a lot of Israelis of all ages. Inside of the fenced area was a lot of Israeli Soldiers. They all had to of been in their 20's.
Everybody was yelling, and cheering, and singing, and dancing, etc.
So I took pictures and some video.....
Here is basically what I saw:
Initially I thought something was going down based off of what went on in Hebron a few days ago...
I am pretty sure that what was going on was a group of soldiers being honorably discharges from the military.
In Israel, if you are male or female, when you hit a certain age, you have to serve in the military for like a minimum of two years. Once you serve your time, you have served your time.
Everyone in this country knows how to fight and kick butt at it....
I think this is a great idea for a country to do when you have 5 or 6 countries that surround you who openly say they want to blow you up...
Makes sense.
However, this leads me to my main topic here:
I am going to keep this short.
I support Israel in the political sense.
I support what they did and how they dealt with ships going into Gaza...(we did the same thing in the Cuban Missle crisis...)
i support the fact that they have the best air-force in the world.
I am down.
I am not ok with the West-Bank wall and the settlements.
Not ok with it...but I understand.
And here is the facts. This is what I have observed and this is how I look at it.
The problem of the Middle East and Israel are not just political, but also (and mostly) religious. Oh, before I continue...I look at all of this from a complete Biblical perspective ( is the Jews land because of the there is my bias.)
Now, a lot of people out there think I am narrow minded for such a statement...but truly use logic to think about this:
Here is the set up:
>West Bank
Israel> Population: 7,000,000 > 90% secular > 7% religious > 3% Orthodox > 3% of that 3% ultra orthodox... (I am estimating here....)
West Bank > Population: 3,000,000 > 75% religious Muslims.
So what?
Think about this:
I would say based off of Arabians I have talked to while here and people i have talked to at my school and such...the number one problem with the Israeli/West bank conflict is the Wall and the Jewish Settlements.
Israel built the wall to keep terrorist out....they however, are a very small minority of the 3,000,000 people in the west bank.
Consequently, it has kept innocent people trapped behind a wall. (It is seriously the Berlin wall all over again...)
A lot of the terrorist attacks against Israel are related to the issue of the Wall and the Settlements (the settlement are areas where Israelis basically take a part of the wall down, push it farther into the west bank, and take land from the Muslims.)
So the issue is this wall: because people feel trapped in the West bank,
and Israel is scared of terrorists.
Now, I said that a lot of the terrorist attacks have to do with the if Israel got rid of it, wouldn't they stop?
NO. Why? because this issue is more than just a political is a religious war about two groups of people fighting over the land.
Secular-Israel has said they are ok with a two state solution.
The USA wants a two-state solution (generally).
You would think so do the Arabs....but they don't. Why? Because IF there was a two state solution, what would be the boarder??? Thats right, the Wall...and if they are not ok with a wall separating Israel and the West Bank right now, why does anyone think they will be ok with it after an official peace treaty was signed and made the West Bank an official country like Israel is right now?
Therefor, considering that the Arabs are mostly religious, and considering that their logic makes no sense in the regard I just mentioned...what is the motive behind all this really in their minds?
The Arabs want the Jews gone. End of story.....(read the Bible, read the Koran.)
See, here in Jerusalem, it all really goes back to the temple mount. I have had two Jewish professors say that in the past two days.
But the problem is, Secular-Israel and the USA are looking at this from political aspects, because they are both secular governments. But the West Bank is not.
Why don't we ask an Orthodox Jew what they think? You know what there answer is?
get rid of the Arabs and build the Temple. It is the same yet opposite conclusion of the Arabs!
That being established, I do not blame the Arabs for the problems of the Wall.
I do not blame the Jews who mourn at the Western Wall.
My biggest problome with all of this? (besides the terrorist attacks...)
The Israeli Government is being run by people who do not believe in Adonai. Who keep Sabbath because their mothers did. Who think the "Kingdom of David" is a metaphor for "the state of Israel". And this is their motivation for wanting to establish the Jewish state....
You have a Government trying to basically re-establish the Kingdom of David, but without God.
The Israeli government wants the "kingdom of David" without the "God of David".
There is a non-religious state trying to deal with an extremely religious group of people...
How can the secular Jews of Israel say this is their land when they don't even believe the Scriptures that say it is their land to be true?
They can't...and they know it. So they go to the two-state solution....but that is not OK with the Arabs and groups like Hamas whose motivation is for mostly religious purposes...
It should be the other way around.
It is a very complicated subject, and I know I don't know everything about it....but I wanted to say something....because I hear people back at home saying "pray for the peace of Israel" and then the next sentence its "I support Israel"....and their first sentence does not line up with the second...because the peace of Israel will only come by the hand of God, and the state of Israel is trying to deliver peace without God.
In general, good stuff. The part that you've left out is the oppression and violence applied to the West Bank by the IDF.
The Israeli government, restricts some of the most basic consumables to the local people. They have redirected water away from Palestinian villages and setup water parks near them. Also, they have a nasty habit of slaughtering innocent people in refugee camps.
They try to restrict materials that can aid terrorist and Items that just make life more 'comfy'. They are up stream from the villages so the water is 'theirs'. Attacks come from the camps so they respond with violence to those camps. Their actions only increase the struggle of those who want peace.
Israel is basically fighting against an insurgency. They are fighting against people, mixed in the general populace. To survive, the fighters have to be protected and supported by the local populace.
For every Israeli civilian that is killed, Israel should be using the death as a demonstration of extremism. Instead they respond in, often times, unbridled aggression which only polarizes and infuriates the Palestinians. Worse of all, they lend legitimacy to their enemies by acting as an over zealous aggressor.
Well put Beau....
I know that there is a lot that the Israeli Armed forces does that would not be to put this....
And that is my exact point....Israel is acting out political repercussions against their enemies....and it makes them very hypocritical.
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