Please Note: I am trying to be as neutral on the matter as best I can. I talk a lot about the West Bank here; please realize this does not reflect my own views but rather because the existence of the West Bank is the heart of the problem.
1. Jews and the local Arab population from Northern Golan down to the Gulf of Aqaba (roughly), west to the Mediterranean went to War on November 29th, 1947 from the result of the U.N. General Assembly and the declaration that Britain was terminating the Mandate that had been in place from the 1920's
2. Out of this war, the Nation of Israel was born
3. Out of this War, the people group known as Palestinian Arabs were born
4. When Britain pulled out of Palestine on May 15th, 1948- The Jews declared Independence and Israel was born
5. That very day, all surrounding Arab States attacked the new nation of Israel
6. These nations were: Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and various other Arab nations
7. Not one of these nations motive was to support the Palestinian Arabs against Israel, but rather went to war against Israel with the hopes of securing land for their own nation
8. The motive to fight was not to support Palestinian Arabs
9. None of these nations except for Jordan were organized enough to fight by themselves or with each other. Why? Because they all had the same selfish motive for fighting against Israel: secure land for themselves. In other words, Egypt only wanted Israel to not exist if Egypt would benefit (in land) from its destruction. An argument can be made that this was so much the case, that a nation like Egypt or Syria would even hope for other Arab nations to lose if they could gain land. Conclusion: Israel was only good for not existing if the country fighting against it could take its land.
10. Jordan was the only nation strong enough to fight against Israel and won almost every battle they fought against Israel. So, Why did they not win against Israel? Because their enemy was not directly Israel. They wanted the land that eventually became the West Bank (West Bank of Jordan!)- they did not care as much about the land west of the west bank, today called Israel. Jordan stopped fighting once they captured the West Bank.
11. The fact is that the Arab States primary motive was not to support Palestinian Arabs
12. It was not until much later (50's, especially the 60's and 70's) that the Arab States realized that Israel was not going anywhere. As a result, they defaulted to the next best thing: support Palestine. The logic is, if they can't get the land themselves, then at least have other Arabs control it. The policy of the Arabs nations on Palestine has pretty much remained the same since this revelation.
13. Palestine today is completely separated and walled off from Israel. Some claim it is one big refugee camp- 3,000,000 people
14. Israel and the United States want a two state solution. This was the original idea passed in 1947; Israel has ALWAYS wanted a two state solution since the 1930's
15. For years, most Palestinians just wanted to move back to their homes in the lands of current day Israel. Now they are becoming more open to a two state solution. Some however, are not for peace and as a result lend to bombing and blowing people up as a solution.
16. The Palestinian Authority in Palestine has NEVER issued a currency. As a result, Palestine is 100% dependent on Israel for its economy. They use the Israel New Shekel (INS) for their currency.
17. Coca-Cola in Israel can cost up to 12 Shekels ($3-4) for a bottle.
18. Coca-Cola in Bet-Lechem can cost up to 8 Shekels for a 6 pack of the same bottles. Read this as: their economy SUCKS.
19. Check out this awesome company in Bethlehem:
20. If tomorrow the two state solution passed and the West Bank became it's own nation; chances are good it would probably collapse that very day. Why? It has no currency. The INS would become completely worthless in the West Bank. Heck, it is worthless in every Arab Nation. If you bring the NIS to Egypt and try to live for a week, you are in for one very hard week (and Egypt is at least neutral with Israel and still can't use the NIS!- Pre 2011 Revolt that is..I don't know what it is like now)
21. If the PA's (Palestinian Authority in the West Bank) economy is foundational on Israel, one can argue Israel deliberately tries to keep their economy and situation bad. Evidential from things as small as Israel going into Palestinian villages and cutting down all of the Olive Trees to destroy the economic base of that village; to as big as Israel's "persecution" and offensive procedures against the Palestinians.
One could say that Israel wants to keep the Palestinian economy in a poor state, because by doing so, it gives Israel the upper hand for negotiations, especially if the day comes when a two state solution is reached.
22. One could say that tomorrow, if Palestine collapsed, we would see 1948 and 1967 all over again. And, once again, Arab nations would fight for the land for their own selfish motives. One should look at existing Arab nations policies on Palestine: Why doesn't Jordan or Egypt, or Iraq or Iran or the UAE step in to help Palestine?? Because if it collapses they have a chance of expansion, especially Jordan. The Arab States are only as interested in Palestine if it exists. To attack it themselves would be suicide; but to wait around and see what will happen gives them the upper hand. One could say that Israel and the rest of the Arab States look at Palestine in the same light: selfish gain at its collapse, but they themselves can't initiate the collapse, because of nations such as the USA (If Hillery freaks out over settlements, what would the USA do if Israel took a direct, all out- military offense against Palestine like they did when they bombed Iran?)
23. When Jews build a new settlement in Palestine, they do not walk in an forcibly take the land from the Palestinians. Rather, they buy the land from the Palestinians.
24. When Israel builds new settlements in Palestine, they pay the local Palestinians to tear down their own homes and build new ones for Israel. The Palestinians do this for the money. It's a job. They may not want to, but will, sell their own land and move in order to start over with some money. This again, reflecting how bad Palestine's economy is and how dependent it is on Israel.
25. Re-read 23 and 24 with: Settlements in the West Bank provide jobs for Palestine.
26. The Gaza Strip is a nightmare and a mess. Americans need to start distinguishing between Palestinians who want to live, and Palestinians radicals who do not want to live and will die over all of these issues.
27. There are entire cities I myself, as an American, cannot go to because the threat from Gaza is too severe. Granted this limitation is put on me by my school and not directly the Israel Government, but that does not change the motive for such a rule.
28. Israel's primary offensive focus is against the radicals (terrorists). However, sometimes it is necessary to inflict problems on the peaceful Palestinians in order to inhibit the terrorists. Examples would be the Wall, along with cutting down Olive Trees.
29. The peaceful Palestinians do not like the terroristic Palestinians. However, some prefer the Terrorists over the Jew.
30. Normal Arabs in Palestine and Gaza are caught in a conflict between Israel and extreme Arabs who want their family land back.
31. I have not even touched on religious issues, specifically those of Messianic Jews and Palestinians Christians. In Summary: there are lots of really bad things going on here, and lots of really, really good things.
32. There is as much peace and love here as their is hate. But Jewish doctors in Tel Aviv doing heart surgery on Arabs from Gaza and Iran for free does not sell papers the same way a bus bombing will.
33. This list goes on and on...I have not even touched on hardly anything yet.
In conclusion, I think all of the above, along with many more details and issues that have not been stated, need to be thought about in a logical manner with one's own opinion, stance, and beliefs about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Especially if you are in neither of these groups.
I came to Israel last August as a 100% die hard for Jews. While I still support the existence of a Jewish State, I have ultimately learned some things that has completely changed my perspective: Simply put, commoners in Israel do not love their neighbors.
I hardly know anything about what is and has gone on over here. As a result of this, I can't take a honest stance and I should not take a stance. I have no right to. All I know is that both the everyday Jew and the Palestinian are hurting over the terrible evil that comes out of these problems.
I am not Jewish/Israeli nor Arab nor Palestinian. I am an American. The only true interests I can have as a result of that fact is how my own people treat and act toward each other and toward the people who are mixed up in this. I meet people that learn about the things the Arabs have done to the Jews, and because of one evil deed, they will become die hard Jewish sympathizers. I also meet people who hear one evil deed done by the Jews- like chopping down olive trees- and they support Palestine to the extreme point of being practically anti-Semitic. This is so illogical...if this is how we should choose to support something or not, we should have equal if not a more serious problem with America and Britain, and the rest of the imperialistic super powers who started all of this in the first place. Taking a stance on something based on emotional feeling resulted from acts of violence does not and is not going to solve anything. All that will do will promote division and keep the evil coming.
You know, America actually has a very similar situation like this on our own hands that most Americans don't give two thoughts about at all or even realize is an issue: the American Indians. How about the history of the American Indians? Should we, the children of European Immigrants give North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, (etc.) back to the descendants of the American Indians who lived their for hundreds of years before we got there? Most Americans today don't even realize this issue still exists....but think about the fact that we are only 3-6 generations away from these problems. That is not much longer than the beginnings of the Palestinian conflict, back to the 1st Aliyah in the late 19th Century. In other words, the American Indians were having the same problems with European intruders up to the same time that the Arabs were dealing with European Jews infiltrating their own land. If you take a stance for Arab or Jew, be prepared for the logical repercussions that has on the very idea of the land you call home. But that hits too close to why should we worry about that?
The best stance anyone who is not Palestinian nor Israeli could have on these issues would be no different than what their stance is on Northern verses Southern Ireland, or any other civil-war-like situation or apartheid of any other nation outside our own....
like how they view imperialistic problems of St.Vincent and the Grenadines in the 18-20th Century.
What is St.Vincent and the Grenadines you ask?
How nice it would be if ignorant people who take a stance were this way about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict; that is, ignorant of the very existence of the nations instead of ignorant of the facts and drawing conclusions.
All you can do is study, but do not let your conclusions be the dividing point between you and anyone else. That only promotes devision.
You yourself are responsible for your knowledge and the actions you take based on it.
(Hosea 4:6)
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