


This blog is titled "In the desert" because of the fact that many major figures of the Biblical text went into a solitude place (such as a desert) to draw closer to God:

-Exodus 34:28: Moses is on Mt.Sinai to meet God
-1 Kings 19:4: Elijah went to the desert to meet God
-Mathew 4:1: Jesus goes into the Desert
-Galatians 1:17: Paul goes to the wilderness to perceive his calling.

All of these figures, when they go to the wilderness, they all experience God. Now granted Jesus was God, but read Mathew 4 carefully. Why did He go to the wilderness??? I believe Jesus went in order to come face to face with His new reality: to live the next 3-4 years as the Messiah and to fulfill His meaning and purpose of existence.

Moses, Elijah, and Saul, when they go to the wilderness, they all experience God and become better equipped in the process to live up to the calling God has for them. The desert, as shown with the four most important figures of Scripture, is a filter that leaves nothing left but God's desire for you.

The Israelites, after they are redeemed from Egypt, they go into the desert for 40 years.
Ask yourself this: Why did Mosses spend 40 days on Mt.Sinai and why did the Israelites spend 40 years in the wilderness? Exodus 19 tells us that at Mt.Sinai, Adonai wanted to present Himself to all of the people; He wanted all the people to hear His voice. But in Exodus 20:19-20, the people reject God and tell Him not to have direct communication with them, but rather to speak to Moses. Then Ex. 20:21 tells us that while the people stood far off, Moses met with God. Ask yourself, "If the people had accepted to hear God the same way Moses did, do you think they would have spent 40 years in the desert?" I do not believe they would have. I believe they would have spent 40 days at Sinai in the presence of God, as Moses did.
It took the Israelites 40 years to get their hearts to be what God desired it to be (which unfortunately, for the 1st generation of Israelites out of Egypt, God's desire was for their hearts to be dead). It took Moses 40 days.

This is why this blog is entitled "In The Desert".

I am going to Israel from August to May. This trip is my time in the desert for me. Right now, June 1st, 2010, I am who I am. But I know who I am right now is not what God completely desires for me. Now, I know that my trip to Israel will probably not reveal every little detail and purpose in my life, however, I do know and believe it will reveal my overall purpose in life. Over the next year, I will come to know what God desires me to do with my life.

This blog is going to show this process. It will keep record of my metamorphosis in Yeshua.

This August I leave for the desert.



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